Monday, October 26, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
ACS CAN 2020 Research Breakfast - A Virtual Event U.S. National Cancer Institute Director Dr. Ned Sharpless will join us for a fireside chat on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on cancer research, clinical trials and care and how we are moving forward.

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is the nation's leading advocacy organization working every day to make issues facing cancer patients a national and state priority.
CANCER HASN'T STOPPED. So neither have we.
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and the economy. As this disease grips the nation, cancer is ever present; 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
Research at Risk: Scientific discovery and innovation saves lives and stimulates the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted research and clinical trials. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), stands to lose $10 billion worth of currently funded research due to the pandemic. The breakthroughs we are seeing in cancer diagnostics and treatments are rooted in decades of investment in basic science. The loss of currently funded research would have negative consequences for cancer patients and the public health community for years to come. Simply put: cancer patients would pay for the loss of disrupted research with their lives.
Investing in Medical Research Catalyzes Scientific Discovery: Eliminating cancer relies as much on public policy as it does on science and care. While policymakers are addressing acute needs related to COVID-19, cancer patients need policies that accelerate cures. ACS CAN is advocating for NIH to receive $10 billion to jumpstart COVID-19 impacted research and a $3 billion increase to NIH’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget.
Join us for a virtual event on October 26, 2020 where we will convene leaders from business, government, health care and life sciences to learn about current challenges and actions we can take to reignite research and save more lives from cancer. Save this event to your Outlook calendar.
Ways to Support ACS CAN's Impact
We invite you to be part of a group of sustaining supporters enabling ACS CAN’s work to catalyze scientific discovery and accelerate cures. With your help, our advocacy will not stop. Join us and together we can save lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer.
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For more information about Corporate Membership, please contact Shalini Vallabhan at 617-955-7572 or at To learn more about ACS CAN’s mission and impact to accelerate cures, improve access to care and save more lives from cancer, please contact Shalini Vallabhan, Managing Director, Government Relations at or by phone 617-955-7572
Thank you to our sponsors.