Interested in taking our OCN Review Course!?
Join us on demand and complete the course at your own pace.
CNE Certificate awarded at completion of the course!
Welcome to the NEW GROUP
To provide the ability to network while completing our ON Demand course, you are now invited to the group page. Here, you may message others taking the same course, studying for the same certification exam.
Our On Demand offering is open to everyone! Become an online learner with the Boston ONS Chapter by joining on our website ( today. Click join at the top right and "Sign Up". Send a quick email to our Social Media Coordinator, Cam Keith at and include the following:
interest in the OCN review course,
ONS member number,
current status of Boston Chapter membership (its ok if you aren't a chapter member).
You will be granted access to the website and invited to our OCN Review Group page where you may sign up for the course and network with fellow studying peers.
Please share any tips or tricks! We also love to hear/read your feedback about the course and if you passed your exam.
We look forward to having you in our online community,
BONS Board of Directors