Moving Beyond Surviving:
How to Embrace the Challenges and Find Joy in Your Leadership Role

On Demand Webinar
As a nurse new to leadership, you may feel like challenges confront you from all directions. You may see yourself functioning in survival mode, just trying to get through another day. There is a better way! You can embrace the challenges of your leadership role and find strength, satisfaction, and yes, joy in being a nurse leader.
This on-demand 90-minute webinar is FREE for both ANA members and non-members.
Pre-registration is required for individuals and groups.*
The viewing link will be emailed to all registrants on or about April 26, 2021 so you can watch anytime, anywhere.
Register now to receive a gift, the ebook, Optimizing Your Leadership Skills.
Led by Kristy Chunta, PhD, RN, a highly-acclaimed expert on new and developing nurse leaders, this webinar will focus on:
Surviving in the leadership role
Recognizing and addressing Imposter Syndrome
Surviving in a new leadership role
Personal adherence
Learning when to say no
Sharpening your personal focus
Managing expectations as a nurse leader
Strategies for managing up and managing down
Dealing with a bad boss
Finding a trusted mentor
Bringing respect and value to the work setting
Learning to disagree and still get along in 2021
Successfully addressing conflict
Valuing diversity and differences in the work setting
Best approaches for resolving conflict
Special circumstances - resolving conflict remotely and when you’re taken by surprise
Coaching your team to resolve conflict
Embracing the leadership role
Avoiding the Destination Addiction trap
Lead yourself – why is this so important and how can you effectively do this?
Managing your weekends as effectively as your weekdays
Lessons to learn as a leader
Dr. Chunta’s latest webinar will continue to bring new information to help you develop as a leader. Don’t miss this opportunity to shift your perspective and learn new ways to find greater satisfaction in your role as a nurse leader.