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Nomination Application 


ELECTIONS BEGIN 11/19/24 and END 12/10/24


President - 2 year term 

The President shall fulfill the following:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the BOD and the membership

  2. Perform other duties as usually pertain to the office of the president, or as directed by the BOD

  3. Appoint all standing and special committee chairpersons with the approval of the BOD

  4. Be ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee.

  5. Make certain that the chapter complies with the Oncology Nursing Society's rules and regulations.

  6. Shall serve a 2-year term beginning in January; followed by a 1-year term as Nominating Chair


Director at Large - 2 year term

Directors-at-large represent the general chapter membership on the board of directors.

  1. There shall be one Director at Large elected annually to serve a 2-year term

  2. Shall perform such duties as the President and/or BOD determine

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Michelle Ranaghan, President

Alissa Gentile, Treasurer

Cameron Keith, Social Media Coordinator


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